OSPRay is Intel’s Open Source Portable Ray tracing engine, applied in data visualisation and (interactive) rendering. The engine relies on the Intel Embree kernels and the Intel SPMD Progam Compiler. Documentation can be found on the OSPRay wbsite and on the OSPRay GitHub.

Installing OSPRay

The following is a step-by-step list to install OSPRay on the system Note that this will install OSPRay without graphical interfaces, such as the Exampleviewer. The NextgenioIO system currently does not have the graphical libraries installed to enable these features.

  1. Load the required modules

    module load cmake embree glfw mesa
  2. Clone the OSPRay repository

    git clone https://github.com/ospray/ospray.git

    This will create and fill a directory named ospray in the current working directory.

  3. Create a build directory in the repository directory

    cd ospray
    mkdir build

    Creating a separate build directory is generally helpful when multiple configurations of the build are possible or required.

  4. Create an install directory, where the executables and header files will be installed.

  5. Configure the CMake file in the build directory. As the GUI CCMake is included in the cmake module, it is recommended to make use of it, as there are multiple options to set, and entering them all in a single command line argument may be troublesome.


    For some of the options it may be necessary to request a CCMake configuration (hit c) to be prompted with the necessary command options. Warning messages can be exited by hitting e to return to the configuration menu. Other options (such as switching on MPI) can only be entered by loading the full menu of options by hitting t in the settings menu.

    The CCMake menu can be searced by entering ‘/’ followed by the search string.

    Not all options will have to be set: this is not necessary for a working install of OSPRay.

    1. Enter the build directory and start the GUI

      cd build
      ccmake ..

      This will load the CMakeLists.txt file in the repo directory

    2. Start initial configuration: hit c

    3. There are many settings to controll the build of the application (hit t to switch the full list on/off). Below is a list of the settings that will likely need to be altered and are necessary for a successful install on the system.

      CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release
      CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX /path/to/install/directory
      ISPC_EXECUTABLE /path/to/ispc-v1.9.1-linux/ispc

      OSPRay uses TBB as its threading system by default (which is installed on the NextgenIO system), but can also use OpenMP. To enable this option select:

    4. In case not all the required libraries and/or header files are found by CMake, an error message will be shown (exit with e) and the path to these files will need to be set manually.

      An overview of possibly problematic libraries and their required setting (see also the warning at the end of this section).

      glfw3_DIR /home/software/glfw/3.3
      OPENGL_EGL_INCLUDE_DIR /home/software/mesa/18.0.0/include/EGL
      OPENGL_GLX_INCLUDE_DIR /home/software/mesa/18.0.0/include/GL
      OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR /home/software/mesa/18.0.0/include/GL
      OPENGL_egl_LIBRARY /home/software/mesa/18.0.0/lib/libEGL.so
      OPENGL_gl_LIBRARY /home/software/mesa/18.0.0/lib/libGL.so
      OPENGL_opengl_LIBRARY /path/of/local/copy/lib/libOpenGL.so
    5. After the final configuration (hitting c without being prompted for further input) the Makefile can be generated by hitting g.

      CCMake will most likely show a warning concerning the inability to guarantee a safe runtime search path. This is the result of some libraries being installed twice as part of different modules and will not affect the ability to run OSPRay after building and installing.

      Upon completion the Makefile should be present in the build directory.

  6. Build OSPRay


    The build may take considerable time

  7. Install OSpray

    make install

    This will install the executable and header files in the install directory specified in step 5.


    Add the build path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH (note: linking to the install path may lead to the error Error running OSPRay MPI when trying to use MPI):

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path/to/install/directory/lib64

    It can also be useful to add the bin directory to the PATH to be able to run the executables without having to specify the full path:

    export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/install/directory/bin

    By adding these lines to the .bashrc file these variables will be set automatically when logging into a shell.

  9. Optional: Include MAP MPI wrappers in ospBenchmark

    To enable MAP profiling of the benchmarking application included in the OSPRay build, two MAP libraries need to be linked to the ospBenchmark executable (Note: this assumes the CMake variable OSPRAY_APPS_BENCHMARK is the to ON). Instructions on how to build the MAP libraries can be found in the section Building the ARM MPI Wrapper Libraries.

    The libraries need to be linked by modifying one of the commands in the makefile. This requires some small modifications to the step outlined about above:

    1. Set the CMake variable

    2. Save the output of running make:

      make > make_output
    3. Create the MPI Wrapper libraries in the build directory

    4. Search for the relevant command, which links the libraries and object code for ospBenchmark:

      cat make_output | grep ospBenchmark

      The required part of the output will resemble:

      [ 88%] Linking CXX executable ../../ospBenchmark
      cd /path/to/build/directory/apps/bench &&
      /home/software/cmake/3.14.4/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/ospBenchmark.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
      /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2019.3.199/linux/bin/intel64/icpc  -static-intel -Wall -fPIC -fno-strict-aliasing
      -no-ansi-alias -DNOMINMAX -Wno-unknown-pragmas  -DNDEBUG -O3  -rdynamic CMakeFiles/ospBenchmark.dir/bench.cpp.o
      -o ../../ospBenchmark -Wl,-rpath,/path/to/build/directory: ../../libospray_app.a
      ../../libospray_sg.so.1.8.5 ../../libospray.so.1.8.5 ../../libospray_tfn.so.1.8.5 ../../libospray_json.so.1.8.5
      ../../libospray_common.so.1.8.5 -pthread /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2019.3.199/linux/tbb/lib/intel64/gcc4.7/libtbb.so.2
    5. Modify the command and enter (the added lines are marked with a (*) ):

      cd /path/to/build/directory/apps/bench &&
      /home/software/cmake/3.14.4/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/ospBenchmark.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
      /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2019.3.199/linux/bin/intel64/icpc  -static-intel -Wall -fPIC -fno-strict-aliasing
      -no-ansi-alias -DNOMINMAX -Wno-unknown-pragmas  -DNDEBUG -O3  -rdynamic CMakeFiles/ospBenchmark.dir/bench.cpp.o
      -o ../../ospBenchmark -Wl,-rpath,/path/to/build/directory: ../../libospray_app.a
      ../../libospray_sg.so.1.8.5 ../../libospray.so.1.8.5 ../../libospray_tfn.so.1.8.5 ../../libospray_json.so.1.8.5
      ../../libospray_common.so.1.8.5 -pthread /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2019.3.199/linux/tbb/lib/intel64/gcc4.7/libtbb.so.2          /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2019.3.199/linux/tbb/lib/intel64/gcc4.7/libtbbmalloc.so.2
      (*) /path/to/build/directory/libmap-sampler.so
      (*) /path/to/build/directory/libmap-sampler-pmpi.so
    6. Install OSPRay (return to the main build directory before running this command)

      make install
    7. After running make install the two libraries need to be visible to the ospBenchmark* application. This can be achieved either by including the location in LD_LIBRARY_PATH or by copyng the wrappers to the install location of the OSPRay libraries. To copy the libraries (assuming they were built in the OSPRay build directory):

      cp /path/to/build/directory/libmap* /path/to/install/directory/lib64
  10. Optional: Enabling the Open Image Denoiser

This is an extra option, which is not necessary for an operational build of OSPRay, but could improve performance (not tested). This step needs to be included before step 5. is completed. It will require the download of a separate executable and linking to its directory.

  1. Download Intel Open Image Denoiser

    wget https://github.com/OpenImageDenoise/oidn/releases/download/v0.9.0/oidn-0.9.0.x86_64.linux.tar.gz
    tar -xzf oidn-0.9.0.x86_64.linux.tar.gz
  2. Set the CMake variable

  3. Set the path to the OIDN (it may be necessary to configure within CCMake -hit c- first).

    The directory path should point to the location of OpenImageDenoiseConfig.cmake:

    OpenImageDenoise_DIR /path/to/oidn-0.9.0.x86_64/lib/cmake/OpenImageDenoise/


Known issues with OSPRay install

  • Missing libraries: libOpenGL.so

    Workaround: create a directory with a local copy of the library

    A copy of the library can be found in the Debian package libopengl0, which can then be copied onto the system

    A more permanent solution is likely desired.

  • ISPC version (1.11)

    This will result in:


    relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol ‘stdout@@GLIBC_2.2.5’ can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC

    Workaround: Create a local install of ISPCv1.9

    A pre-built version of the compiler is available for download. Below are the instructions to install ISPC in a separate directory:

    wget https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ispcmirror/v1.9.1/ispc-v1.9.1-linux.tar.gz --no-check-certificate
    tar -xzf ispc-v1.9.1-linux.tar.gz

    The ISPC executable is located in the main directory (ispc-v1.9.1-linux). The CMake variable ISPC_EXECUTABLE should list the directory path and the executable.

    Updates may be required if the modules are changed