3DxPoint | Non-Volatile Storage Memory, produced by Intel
DCPMM | Data Centre Persistent Memory Module; the NVDIMM
DIMM | Dual In-line Memory Module; the most common form factor for
FSDAX | File System (enabled) Direct Access; byte level access to
NVM provided by a mounted file system (ext4)
NVDIMM | Non-Volatile Dual In-line Memory module; a DIMM using NVRAM
instead of standard DRAM
NVM | Non-Volatile Memory (see SCM)
NVRAM | Non-Volatile Random Access Memory; persistent memory,
SCM used in a processor’s main memory
PMDK | Persistent Memory Development Kit; Libraries allowing for
operations on NVRAM (
PyCOMPSs | Python binding for COMPSs (COMP Superscalar); a programming
model designed to ease parallel programming in distributed
SCM | Storage Class Memory; byte-addressable non-volatile memory
Slurm | Job Scheduler: allocates resources, provides commands for
executing and managing jobs and for managing job queues