Submitting Jobs

The NextgenIO system makes use of an adapted version of the Slurm workload manager. The adaptations make it possible for the user to make use of the various implementations of SCM (Storage Class Memory).

This section will first introduce the basic usage of Slurm, with the help of some simple examples. The second part of the will expand on this, and introduce the new usage of Slurm on the NextgenIO system.


This section will provide a short overview of some of the basic commands required to run jobs with Slurm. For a detailed manual on the use of Slurm, please consult the Slurm documentation pages.

Basic Commands

System Status

list available partitions, nodes on these partitions and the status of
these components. Availability is listed as either up or down.
For a full list of node-by-node status enter: sinfo --long --Node
launch a GUI providing an overview of the nodes and node usage. Within
the GUI individual nodes can be selected to find more detailed
information on each.
list the jobs currently submitted to the system. Basic functionality
returns all jobs, provides the JOBID, the job owner, the requested
number of nodes and either the allocated nodes or the reason for being
combined with options show node it will list more detailed, node
specific information. The nextgenio compute nodes are labelled
nexgentio-cn[xx]. An example command:
scontrol show node nextgenio-cn01

Submitting Jobs

Submitting a job using the scheduler comprises two steps: allocating resources and specifying the job itself. Slurm support three main methods for launching jobs: srun, salloc, and sbatch.

OpenMPI jobs can be run using all three method, and for Intel MPI jobs the srun method is recommended. Slurm is compatible with the mpirun method for both flavours.

Below is a quick overview of the command usage, with more detailed examples listed further down.

submit a job by allocating resources and specifying the executable.
Basic example, running ‘mycode’ on 2 nodes:
$> srun -N2 mycode
allocate resources. Adding ‘sh’ at the end of the command launches an
interactive shell, whence to start the job. Basic example, requesting 4
$> salloc -N4 sh
> srun mycode (OR: mpirun mycode)
submit a batch script to the scheduler. Resource allocation can be
specified in the command line. The batch file should contain a statement
the job. A script can contain multiple srun/mpirun commands:
$> sbatch -N4

The commands and examples listed in this section are intended only to show the basic functionality of the scheduler. All commands have many available options and switches, and are therefore highly adaptable to user requirements. The Slurm documentation provides full details and examples for the interested reader.

To cancel a submitted job, use scancel followed by the JobID. To cancel all of a user’s jobs enter scancel -u [username].

Example Subsmission Scripts

The following examples (based on the helpful tutorial found here) are batch scripts for different examples of parallel runs.

In all cases the scripts illustrate the basic usage of the scheduler: allocate resources, specify the job to be run, and then run it. We will also specify the job output location. The default location for both standard out and standard error is the file “slurm-j[JOB_ID]”. In the case of using batch scripts, the commands to be passed to the scheduler are preceded by the #SBATCH comment.

Upon submission of the script the job will be added to the queue, until the requested resources become available and the job is launched.

1) Submitting a single job many times (without shared memory)

This type of parallelism is usually associated with embarrassingly parallel problems.

The first lines of the bash script (“”) allocates resources. Note that the default allocation of CPUs is one per task. Default units for the memory per CPU are MB. The ‘array’ option creates multiple instances of the same task (in this example 10 instances). The task IDs are stored in the variable SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID. We will also set the maximum run time to one hour per cpu.

#SBATCH --ntasks=4
#SBATCH --time=60:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=150
#SBATCH --array=1-10

The next lines specify the job name, the output filename, and the directory in which the input and output are stored. The most reliable method is to always specify the full path (see also Slurmstepd: error: execve(): [exec-name] : No such file or directory):

#SBATCH --job-name=par_job
#SBATCH --output=op_file.txt
#SBATCH -D /path/to/directory

And finally we tell the scheduler to run the job, passing the task IDs to the srun command.

srun myexec $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID

We then submit the script with the following command:


2) Submitting a single job with shared memory using OpenMP

In case the script to be run uses multithreading, multiple CPUs can be assigned to the same task. For the job to run properly, we do need to set the OPM_NUM_THREADS environment variable.

The rest of the script looks very similar to the previous case:

#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8
#SBATCH --time=60:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=150
#SBATCH --job-name=openmp_job
#SBATCH --output=op_file.txt

srun myexec

The script is submitted by entering:


3) Submitting an MPI job

When submitting an MPI job the script only needs to specify the number of tasks and, if desired, the amount of memory per core.

#SBATCH --ntasks=10
#SBATCH --time=60:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=150

#SBATCH --job-name=mpi_job
#SBATCH --output=op_file.txt

srun myexec

The script is submitted by entering:


4) Submitting a hybrid MPI/OpenMP job

For a job that combines MPI and multithreading an important part is to allocate the correct number of cores, to be passed as the OMP_NUM_THREAD variable. Requesting more cores per task than are available on the task’s node will result in an error.

The following script requests four nodes (total number of cpus=4*48= 192). Two MPI processes are requested per node: as each node has two sockets this should allocate one process per socket. The script requests all physical cores on the node, with a 1:1 ratio of threads to physical cores. To prevent making use of hyperthreading, the option --hint=nomultihreading needs to be passed to the scheduler.

#SBATCH --nodes=4
#SBATCH --ntasks=8
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=2      ##This should be scheduled automatically
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=24       ##This should be scheduled automatically
#SBATCH --hint=nomultithread     ##Disable hyperthreading

#SBATCH --job-name=mpi-omp-job


srun myexec


Hyperthreading: difference between srun and mpirun

For most job submissions it makes no difference whether mpirun or srun is used to execute the job. However, there is a difference in how the two count the number of available cores when using hyperthreading.

When requesting a number of cores (per MPI process), using --cpus-per-task, mpirun will allocate this as the number of logical cores, whereas srun will use this number to allocate physical cores, unless the option overcommit is passed to it.

Passing the option to srun in a batch script can be done by adding the line #SBATCH --overcommit.

If one attempts to request all available logical cores on a node using srun, this may result in the error Batch job submission failed: Requested node configuration is not available:.

5) Pinning processes and binding threads

If components of a job need to be pinned to specific nodes or cores, this can be specified in the batch script as well. See also the Slurm documentation on Multi-core support.


If you would like to see more information on CPU affinity of MPI processes add the following line to the batch script:

export I_MPI_DEBUG=5

For more information on thread affinity, inlclude the verbose option in the KMP_AFFINITY variable:

export KMP_AFFINITY=verbose

The number identification of the cores is on a per node basis. The physical cores are therefore labelled 0–47. When using hyperthreading (which is enabled by default on the NextgenIO system) the logical cores are labelled 48-95, where core 48 corresponds to physical core 0, 49 to 1, and so on.

Pinning MPI processes

When using mpirun, the MPI processes can be pinned to a specific core by setting the environment variable I_MPI_PIN_PROCESSOR_LIST. To pin four MPI processes to (e.g.) the first four CPUs among the allocated CPUs, add the following line to the batch script:


When using srun, the pinning of MPI processes can be done by setting the option --cpu-bind=map_cpu:[cpu_id(s)], where [cpu_id(s)] is a comma separated list of cores to which the processes should be bound. Note that it is not possible to specify a range of CPUs in the same manner as when using mpirun: it will be necessary to write out the list of cpu_ids in full.

When it is not necessary to manually control which process is pinned to which core, one can use the option --cpu-bind=rank, which pins MPI processes based on their rank.


Unlike other Slurm options it is not possible to pass --cpu-bind=[..] to the scheduler in the batch script using lines starting with #SBATCH. Instead the option must be included as a flag on the srun command, e.g.:

srun myexec --cpu-bind=map_cpu:0,11,24,36

If MPI processes should be bound to the physical cores, rather than to logical ones, the option --hint=nomultithreading can be passed to the scheduler. When working with a batch submission script, addition of the following line to the script will ensure only physical cores will be used:

#SBATCH --hint=nomultithread

The distribution of the processes over the cores can be controlled with the --distribution option, if necessary.


When pinning MPI processes to specific cores, any threads the process will create will run on the same physical core as the MPI process. When running multiple threads per MPI process, the more reliable way of fixing core affinity is to allow the job scheduler to allocate the CPUs for the MPI processes (possibly modified with the --distribution option, see below), and then to bind the threads within each process.

Binding threads

To bind OpenMP threads to specific cores the batch script needs to set the environment variables OMP_PROC_BIND and OMP_NUM_PLACES. The first of the variables simply needs to be set to TRUE, for the second there are multiple options available (see the documentation for a full list).

Setting OMP_NUM_PLACES=cores pins threads to the physical cores they are assigned to, but allows them to migrate between the two logical cores on each physical core. Setting OMP_NUM_PLACES=thread pins threads to the logical core to which they are set.

The following example submission scrip populates every logical core on two nodes (total number of cores = 2*48*2 = 192) with a single thread, and pins the thread to that logical core. The threads are spread over four MPI processes (set using --ntasks=4), therefore the variable OMP_NUM_THREADS needs to be set to to 48 (= 192 / 4).

#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks=4
#SBATCH --overcommit             ##Neccessary because we use srun with hyperthreading

#SBATCH --job-name=mpi_omp_run
#SBATCH --output=opmix.txt

export OMP_PLACES=threads
export KMP_AFFINITY=compact

srun /path/to/myexec

One level above the manual pinning of threads is setting the core affinity for multithreading. This can be controlled by setting the KMP_AFFINITY environment variable. Note that including the option verbose for this variable prints additional core affinity information to output.

The most important options for KMP_AFFINITY are compact and scatter. compact places sequential threads on CPUs as closely together as possible. scatter distributes threads by placing them on CPUs that are spaced apart as much as possible. To use these options via a batch script and show the results in output, add (e.g.) the following line:

export KMP_AFFINITY=verbose,compact

The level on which these options take effect can be specified with the granularity option. This can be set to fine for distribution on the level of physical CPUs, and to thread for hyperthreading.

The KMP_AFFINITY variable also allows for the explicit binding of threads to cores, using the explicit option, followed by the proclist options specifying the cpu_id(s) (note the double quotes around the options in this case):

export KMP_AFFINITY="explicit,proclist=[cpu_id1,cpu_id2,...,cpu_idN]"

Unfortunately, pinning of threads within MPI processes does not seem to be possible using this option. It would therefore only be of use for a job consisting of a single process (with multiple threads).

Other task distribution options

In the example above, the option --cpus-per-task is not set, as the job scheduler should allocate the optimal number of cores automatically. Similarly, the option --ntasks-per-socket is only of use if an unusual configuration of MPI processes is desired. The standard distribution enforced by the job scheduler is to spread processes evenly across sockets: if the number of processes matches the number of sockets, one process will be places in each socket.

The allocation of MPI processes and threads can further be controlled with the --distribution option. This is a complicated option, with many settings. The basic example below (which would be included in the batch script) tells the scheduler to allocate the processes in a cyclic manner, i.e. per node or per socket, and the threads in a block manner, i.e. all together:

#SBATCH --distribution cyclic:block

The first part of the option’s settings controls the distribution of the tasks, the second controls the distribution of the threads. The cyclic:block matches the default allocation style of the job scheduler. As with the other pinning and allocation settings described in this section, these options should only be invoked by users wishing to create a specific and unusual configuration.


If the code compiles but the executable still requires debugging, mpirun allows for additional debugging information to be set using the I_MPI_DEBUG environment variable. The argument for for the variable is the level of debugging. Setting the variable to zero disables the printing of debugging information, and positive integers enable printing, with increasing level of detail.

This option can be included in a batch script by adding the following line (e.g):

export I_MPI_DEBUG=5

Differences betweene mpirun and srun

Both mpirun and srun can be used to tell the job scheduler to launch an executable. Although the srun command makes use of mpirun to execute a job, there are subtle differences in the way settings, such as environment variables set in a batch script or shell, are passed to each command. Below is a list of differences to be aware off when choosing between the two commands:

  • mpirun has its own set of commands to pass node configurations and task distributions to the scheduler: -n sets the number of tasks (MPI processes) to be created and -ppn sets the number of processes to be placed per node. The -hosts option can be used to specify the specific nodes to be used. Note, however, that all these setting are overwritten by the job scheduler if task allocation instructions are passed to the scheduler directly (e.g. by setting -ntasks in the submission script or shell).
  • environmental variables such as I_MPI_PIN_PROCESSOR_LIST and I_MPI_DEBUG are only used by mpirun. When using srun equivalent settings need to be passed to the scheduler as command options.